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2021-08-04 Conda Community Meeting


NameInitialsAffiliationGH Username
Jaime RGJRGQuansight@jaimergp
Cheng H. LeeCHLAnaconda@chenghlee
Marcel BargullMBBioconda/cf@mbargull
John leeJLQuansight@leej3
Sebastien AwwadSAAnaconda@awwad
Filipe FernandesFFconda-forge@ocefpaf
matthew beckerMRBconda-forge@beckermr
Michael SarahanMCSconda-forge@msarahan


  • Steven Croce (Anaconda)


Standing Items

  • Conda Community website mockups
  • Outreach to invite more organizations to join this meeting

New Agenda Items

Outstanding Items From the Previous Meeting

Active Votes

Subteam Updates

Open PRs


Action items

  • conda security issue reporting:
    1. Check membership of
    2. Determine who should be in the list of folks notified in the case of security issues for conda (this group? fewer?)
    3. Create a mailing list for that group.
    4. Update readmes in conda repos and Anaconda issues repo to point to the mailing list for security issues.
    5. Update issue templates in the conda and Anaconda issues repos to emphasize using the mailing list for security issues instead of posting there.
    6. Post a policy on keeping this mailing list up to date.
    7. Consider forwarding to the new list.
    8. Update any documentation pointing to to point to the new list.

Last meeting points