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2020-11-17 Conda Community Meeting

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Last Meeting's Agenda and Minutes


Megan YancyMCYAnaconda@myancy-anaconda
Sebastien AwwadSAAnaconda distro team@awwad
Kale FranzKFAnaconda@kalefranz
Cheng LeeCHLAnaconda@chenghlee
Michael GrantMGAnacondamcg1969
CJ WrightCJLab49@cj-wright
Matthew Beckerbeckermr
Amy WilliamsAWAnacondaawilliams-anaconda
Filipe FernandesFF@ocefpaf
Gonzalo Peña-CastellanosGPCQuansight@goanpeca
Crystal SojaCASAnacondacsoja
Marcelo Duarte TrevisaniMDTconda-forge@marcelotrevisani
Marcel BargullMBconda-forge/Bioconda@mbargull
Michael SarahanMCS@msarahan


  • Welcome


Standing Items

  • N/A

New Agenda Items

Outstanding Items From the Previous Meeting

  • N/A

Active Votes

Subteam Updates

Open PRs

  • N/A


  • Ways to address diversity inclusiveness issues
  • Availability of artifact verification features to other pieces of software (than conda):
    • SA: @Wolf, Please be aware that at first, we're offering the trust and signing data to paid folks, because... lights on. But I don't see why support for consuming that data shouldn't be handled in any package manager frontend talking to the repository. There's a project with the majority of the low-level code and a set of algorithms. The process of integrating that into conda (or other managers) is a delicate thing, so I'm hoping that the guidelines are helpful enough... but this will improve after conda integration.
    • Wolf: sure. with quetz we're working hard to support mirroring of conda-channels (specifically conda-forge), and this trust & verification is pretty integral for that so ... we might have to implement this anyways, and then it would probably make sense to do it in the same fashion as upstream
    • SA: that'd be good, yeah. We can talk about the TUF work underlying it at the least

Action items

Previous Meetings

Last Meeting 202001102

  • Schedule community issue triage kick-off mtg -- ?? Draft of triaging guidelines:

  • Anaconda: get clarification about using "conda" trademark in community project names

    • With Anaconda legal/marketing; hoping to get a blanket statement à la Arduino/Debian
  • Website: Check the draft for text on the website so design process can continue with some actual content.

  • Conda Community Triage / Conda Triage

    • Conda Constructor
    • Conda
    • Conda-build
    • Conda-Pack
    • Ensureconda
    • setup-miniconda / setup-miniforge (github actions)
    • grayskull
    • conda-mirror
    • conda-suggest
    • conda-press
    • conda-lock
    • libronda
  • Organize list on this hackmd on 'short term'/'medium term'/'long term' actionable items?

    • Priority order:
    • Discussion: KF is creating/updating process documentation of conda/conda-build Permissions are needed to let people update - need github ids members currently on call will be added for issue-management permissions to edit on repositories Triage during community call? (FF, MCG)- needs scheduling - some time in november? Kick-off meeting?
  • Organize list on this hackmd on 'short term'/'medium term'/'long term' actionable items?

Action Items

  • Anaconda: Organizational-level CLA


Move to Issue Tracker

Current Action Items